[en cours de rédaction]
Birkett Mary, Amateur Mascots on the Loose: the Pragmatics of Kawaii (Cute),University of Michigan, 2012, 118 p.
Henry David A., Momotaro or the Peach Boy: Japan’s Best-Loved Folktale as National Allegory, Thèse de doctorat en philosophie, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2009, 253 p.
Hu Tze-yue, Understanding Japanese animation: from Miyazaki and Takahata anime, Thèse de doctorat en littérature comparée, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2002, 310 p.
Yoshida Kaori, Animation and “otherness“ : The Politics of Gender, Racial, and Ethnic Identity in the World of Japanese Anime, Thèse de doctorat en études japonaises, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2008, 320 p.